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The Bishop Lynch Band

The Spirit of Bishop Lynch – provides the soundtrack for Friar Nation. From halftime shows under the lights of Roffino Stadium to concerts, parades, pep rallies, and competitions, the Bishop Lynch Band marches to the beat of its award-winning performances.  

The Bishop Lynch band program includes marching band, concert band, jazz band, percussion ensemble, the drumline, and Color Guard opportunities.  

My time in the BL Band taught me a multitude of skills. In addition to teaching me musical theory and musicianship it has also given me lessons in leadership, dedication, and teamwork. One the most unique things about the BL Band is that no member must have any prior experience with their instrument or music as a whole. Yet despite our diverse set musical skills comprised within the Band we still maintain our tradition of excellence and growth. These two cornerstones of the BL Band program are a direct result leadership, dedication, and teamwork shown by every member. 

Terrance Thomas, '23 
